Our vision & Emerging Plans


We believe that One Portal Way could create a new heart for North Acton to meet the needs of existing and future communities. It has the potential to knit together other local developments to create a vibrant hub with something for everyone.
Our vision is to create a place that provides:
Leisure and wellbeing
Community spaces
Green spaces
Artists’ studios
Cafes and bars


At the heart of our proposals for One Portal Way are new high-quality public areas and green open space. We know that generous and lively public spaces bring a community together.
Our key objectives for the landscaping strategy are to provide:
Enhancing the street frontages along Portal Way and the A400, so they create a greater sense of activity and connections with the neighbouring developments.
A central garden
A generous and richly landscaped green space for North Acton to cater to a range of needs and activities.
A large and open square with clear links towards North Acton station and the Acton Elizabeth Line station.


Our aim is to create a space for everyone.

The project team is at an very early stage and are working with Ealing Council and Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) to develop high-quality proposals that deliver new homes, amenities, and other uses which will contribute to the wider North Acton area.


One Portal Way has the potential to deliver approx. 1,300-1,600 new homes across the site, to suit a range of needs and future residents. This will include a mix of home sizes, from studios to larger family homes.

We will aim to deliver 35% of the homes as affordable, delivering a mix of London Living Rent, London Affordable Rent and intermediate housing – supporting young people, low-income families and helping Ealing Council deliver much needed affordable homes for residents in the Borough.

We are also considering co-living, later living and a hotel.


One Portal Way has the potential to deliver approx. 1,300-1,600 new homes across the site, to suit a range of needs and future residents. This will include a mix of home sizes, from studios to larger family homes.

We will aim to deliver 35% of the homes as affordable, delivering a mix of London Living Rent and intermediate housing – supporting young people, low-income families and helping Ealing Council deliver much needed affordable homes for residents in the Borough.

We are also considering co-living, later living and a hotel.

New jobs

We want One Portal Way to support West London’s booming tech and innovation cluster, which Imperial is at the heart of. Our proposals could include coworking space, offices purpose-built for start-ups as well as established companies, and studio spaces for artists and creatives. We estimate the proposals will bring between 800 and 1,200 new jobs to the site.

New jobs

We want One Portal Way to support West London’s booming tech and innovation cluster, which Imperial is at the heart of. Our proposals could include co-working space, offices purpose-built for start-ups as well as established companies, and studio spaces for artists and creatives.

An exciting new offer

We are aiming to provide a wide range of uses and facilities at One Portal Way. This could include new shops and supermarkets, food halls, pop-up exhibitions, community events, cafes, restaurants, a theatre or a nightclub, and children’s play space.

An exciting new offer

We are aiming to provide a wide range of uses and facilities at One Portal Way. This could include new shops and supermarkets, food halls, pop-up exhibitions, community events, cafes, restaurants, a theatre or a nightclub, and children’s play space.

local community suggestions

We have already heard from some members of the local community (including residents, local landowners, businesses, and community organisations) what they believe the area is missing and how they thought the proposed development at One Portal Way could respond to these needs.

Below are some of the suggestions we have had so far, that could be included in our plans and benefit the local community:

pharmacy/dentist office

community centre

Flower shop

High quality restaurants


community events

A dry-cleaners

café / restaurant


night club

children’s play space

Doctor’s surgery

If there are other potential uses you would like to see included in the plans, please take a couple of minutes to complete our short survey. Your feedback will help inform our plans as we progress our designs for this scheme.


The emerging designs respond to North Acton’s rapidly changing context, with a number of taller buildings approved or under construction in the area.
The adjacent sites at 6 and 4 Portal Way were approved for redevelopment up to 55 storeys in height.

Our proposals will include tall buildings no higher than those approved nearby. Our designs will be in keeping with the North Acton context, and sensitive to our neighbours on Wales Farm Road, whilst providing the new homes that Ealing needs. We are currently at an early stage with design, and following this first phase of public consultation we should have more detail on height and massing ready to share with you during our second consultation later in July.

The latest technologies and measures will be used to reduce carbon emissions and save energy, including solar panels, an electricity-only energy supply, air-source heat pumps, and water-saving features.

Sustainability is also informing our strategy for material selection, and our proposals will:

  • Use recycled materials and ensure they are, in turn, recyclable
  • Use local materials to reduce transportation needs
  • Select durable and resilient materials
Health and wellbeing are at the heart of our designs and we will strive to meet industry standards with regards to sustainability and clean energy.