One Portal Way
Welcome to our consultation website for the proposals for One Portal Way.
As you may know, earlier this year we held a first phase of public consultation with our neighbours. We received a lot of valuable feedback, and have since been busy developing our proposals further to reflect the comments made.
The second phase of our public consultation has now begun and this website has been updated with more information on our proposals. A new survey has been launched on the Have Your Say page for you to give your feedback, so do take a couple of minutes to go through.
We have recently held a webinar and in-person pop-up exhibition to allow neighbours to meet the team and ask us questions about our proposals. We plan to hold more of these consultation events in September with our neighbours.
To be informed when the details of upcoming consultation events are confirmed, please visit the contact us page to sign up for our mailing list, or get in touch using the details below.
Freephone: 0800 307 7554